And...yes, I've been tagged, not once, but twice (lol), by Dawn, from Dawn's Special Creations and Diane, from Diane's Designs, to tell you 7 random things about myself! By the way, Diane's giving away some blog candy, so if you hurry, you just might make it in time to get in the running! Guess what? I was tagged by Nancy Riley (stampinat6213) back in October and since not much about me has changed....just click HERE if you'd like to read those 7 things! I'm supposed to tag 7 more people...hmmm...going to have to give that a little thought. But for now, be sure to check out Dawn, Dawn, Diane & Nancy's blogs....lots of great things to see!!!
Have a great evening = ) !
Glad you received your card Nancy! Thanks again for all the wonderful goodies! Have a Happy New Year!
WOW is all I can say...your work is AWESOME....I'm visiting via Diane's Blog.....TFS!!
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